Departing China, Next Stop DC to Discuss the Afghanistan War

This is part of the Jinshanling Great Wall that I traversed a substantial segment (in my book) of on Sunday. Mao said “You are not a real man; if you haven’t climbed the Great Wall.
This is part of the Jinshanling Great Wall that I traversed a substantial segment (in my book) of on Sunday. Mao said “You are not a real man; if you haven’t climbed the Great Wall.
President Obama’s National Economic Adviser Lawrence Summers has just landed in Beijing along with Deputy National Security Adviser Tom Donilon, Asia Desk NSC senior director Jeff Bader, and National Security Council Spokesman Michael Hammer.
This next week on Wednesday, 8 September at the New America Foundation a group of academics, business leaders, journalists, and other policy practitioners — organized as ‘The Afghanistan Study Group’ will formally release this new report titled “New Way Forward: Rethinking U.S. Strategy in Afghanistan.” The report can be downloaded here.
This is a guest note by Fadi Elsalameen, Managing Director of the Palestine Note, an Internet newspaper about Palestine, Israel and the Middle East. This essay first appeared in Haaretz.
(Jean-David Levitte and France President Nicolas Sarkozy) European High Representative for Foreign Affairs & Security Policy Baroness Catherine Ashton decided to head to China instead of participating in the Middle East stakeholders dinner hosted by President Obama in the Old Family Dining Room this week.
(photo depicts participants in Glenn Beck led march on Washington; November 23, 2009) I hope that David Frum is right and that the Tea Party movement, which is growing in numbers and ferocity, will hit its limit, experience an Icarus moment, and plunge back into the fringe of American politics where pugnacious, jingoistic, narrow band…
This is the roster of who is coming to dinner tonight: President Obama President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt King Abdullah of Jordan Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Quartet Representative Tony Blair According to a pool report written by Huffington Post‘s Sam Stein, the…
Angelina Jolie has traveled to Pakistan in her role as a UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador, donated $100,000 for flood victim relief and issued the public service annoucement above.
President Obama was right to give his speech punctuating the end of US combat operations in Iraq from the Oval Office as opposed to one of the military academies. In his speech tonight, the President said: Tonight, I am announcing that the American combat mission in Iraq has ended.
As the first direct Israeli-Palestinian talks in two years approach, it seems that enthusiasm and hope for a deal decrease again and again.