GOP Doing Some Smart Stuff



I just got this email from Republican House Whip Eric Cantor: Do You Have Time for a 30 Minute Strategy Call? Dear Steven, Will you join me for a 30 minute strategy call on Thursday, September 30th at 4:30 PM? My colleague in the GOP Young Guns program, Representative Kevin McCarthy, and I would like…




The New York Times yesterday filed a report on India’s efforts to force communications companies that rely on encrypted or hard-to-track communications systems, like Blackberry and Skype, to make their technology accessible or risk being banned from the country.

Video: Salam Fayyad on Building Palestine



Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad was compelling and showed real vision in this talk at the New America Foundation sponsored by the American Strategy Program and the Palestine Note. It’s worth the watch.

Don’t Say No to Panda?



There are so many layers of geostrategic humor in this clip. Watch — and just think about it. Not gonna say more at the moment.

Afghanistan Study Group Report Stirs Support and Debate in UK



Before I was able to speak to the themes of the Afghanistan Study Group report of which I was a part at a major foreign policy conference titled the 2010 Global Leadership Forum sponsored by the Royal United Services Institute and the Princeton Project on National Security in London this past week, former UK Ambassador…

Economics Quiz of the Day



My colleague Sherle Schwenninger occasionally prods our team with a provocative “quiz of the day”. I thought I’d share this interesting one.