Hillary Clinton, Madame X & Rajiv Shah Release QDDR



I will be writing more soon about the just released Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review, the first ever — but wanted to post this video of the event and the transcript of an exchange that I had with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Two things quickly.

Assessing Afghanistan After Holbrooke



Tomorrow President Obama will offer remarks updating Americans on progress in Afghanistan and the nation’s next steps. Richard Holbrooke, was a key member of the team as Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Pakistan’s Highest Civilian Award Conferred on Richard Holbrooke



Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari has conferred the Hilal-e-Pakistan (Crescent of Pakistan), the nation’s highest civilian award on Richard Holbrooke for his service to Pakistan and contributions to US-Pakistan relations. Other American recipients of the Hilal-e-Pakistan are Richard Nixon, Joe Biden, and John Kerry.

Hamas Unplugging Opportunity



I’m one who believes that Hamas must be part of the equation of establishing a new equilibrium in the Middle East. Hamas is not al Qaeda and has evolved into a real, citizen-rooted political order and can’t be wished away.