Getting into the Personal: Dangerous Territory for John Bolton



Major epic-style exposes are emerging on John Bolton in the Los Angeles Times and New York Times. Although Sonni Efron starts with the countours of battle that existed between Richard Armitage and Colin Powell on one side and Bolton on the other, she then delves into personal vignettes from friends and colleagues, particularly at AEI….

Laura Rozen Frames the Consequences of Boltonian Antics Well



There is so much out there now on John Bolton, and very little of it is positive and validating of Bolton, other than assertions by his fan club here and here. Laura Rozen has done a great job of not only reporting Bolton Battle news but creating context to understand the issues.

More State Department Colleagues Testify to Bolton’s “Rogue Behavior”



A. Elizabeth Jones, Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia, publicly stated that John Bolton, her colleague, regularly violated State Department rules on travel and notification of meetings. According to AP’s Barry Schweid, Jones said that Bolton’s behavior was “symptomatic of his determination not to work with other people.

Bill Richardson’s Role in the Bolton NSA Transcripts Story



A completely unanticipated development in the NSA intercepts issue was that unnamed senior level sources who are cleared but refuse to say much more indicated that NM Governor Bill Richardson may be part of the package of NSA intercepts interest exhibited by John Bolton. This may or may not be true.

Too Early to Sort out the Score on Battle Over Bolton



This morning, National Journal‘s “Inside Washington” ran a short piece on the Bolton fiasco and gave TWN a shout out. The clip reads: Inside Washington, National Journal, 30 April 2005 Washington: Take Note of Who Is Joltin’ Bolton Although the nomination of John Bolton to be U.S.

Breaking News: Former Asst. Secretary for Nonproliferation John S. Wolf Interviewed by Senate Foreign Relations Committee



TWN has just learned from a senior level source that former Assistant Secretary for Nonproliferation John Wolf has been interviewed by Republican and Democrat staff members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and validated that John Bolton demonstrated patterned and frequent vindictive behavior towards numerous subordinates at the State Department.