<em>TWN</em>‘s Nominations for U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations



TWN‘s list of “better choices than John Bolton” to serve as America’s Ambassador to the United Nations is growing. Here are the first few: Congresswoman Heather Wilson (R-NM) Former Congressman Doug Bereuter, who now heads the Asia Foundation Former Senator Alan Simpson of Wyoming, my choice for America’s best no-nonsense tough guy. . .

U.N. Ambassadorial Candidates for President Bush to Consider



I’m going to start mentioning names whom the White House should consider as outstanding possibilities with which to replace John Bolton’s nomination. I’m very high on Heather Wilson, who wants to be Secretary of Defense some day, I’m told. But this job in the U.N., at this time, would be a very good credential builder….

Bush and Bolton on North Korea: Back to Tough Talk



This ran in Al Kamen’s column today: In the fight over John R. Bolton’s nomination to be U.N. ambassador, there’s been a huge fuss over a speech Bolton gave in 2003 in Seoul, which some have suggested was not diplomatic enough and was out of sync with administration policy.

Will the NSA Intercepts Show Anything? Were There Bolton Requests Hidden Among the Reported 400 Other NSA Intercept Requests? Important Questions for Foreign Relations Committee Staff to ASK



Newsweek‘s Mark Hosenball has a nice clip on what to look for in the upcoming NSA intercepts story this next week: Bolton’s critics are also pressing for details of requests he made for National Security Agency electronic “intercepts” containing the names of U.S. officials.