Next Steps. . .



TWN hopes everyone is having a refreshing 4th of July weekend — and remembering that this Republic we have requires some hard work to keep. Squaring off over the replacement of retiring Sandra Day O’Connor on the Supreme Court will dominate the attentions of this town for some time.

Sandra Day O’Connor Resigns. . .The Wars Will Now Begin



John Bolton will never be confirmed now. Even if there was an up-or-down vote, all strategic bets will deal with how those on the far right, the far left, and moderates in the middle square off on successors to O’Connor and at some point, Chief Justice Rehnquist. It all begins now.

Mr. Bolton: The Right Decision is to Step Back



Robert Kuttner hits the bull’s eye in a compelling survey of the “Bolton Endgame” in the Boston Globe today. Here is an excerpt: With the Senate having twice refused to break a filibuster over Bolton, President Bush may use his power to make a recess appointment during Congress’s Fourth of July break.