Chas Freeman: The Challenge of Asia



This is a guest note by Chas W. Freeman, Jr. This essay comprises Freeman’s remarks at the Camden Conference on February 17, 2011 in Camden, Maine. The Challenge of Asia The Greeks are to blame for many things. Not least of these is the somewhat preposterous idea of “Asia.

President Obama Should Appear on Al Jazeera



As I watch Al Jazeera and its reporting inspire and inform people across the Arabic world — and educate many English-speaking people who are stuck to their TVs, I think it becomes increasingly clear and obvious that Barack Obama has made a mistake not himself appearing on this network.

PBS News Hour Launches World Page


In the age of HuffPost, Talking Points Memo, Red State, Powerline, DailyKos, Foreign Policy (2.0), Daily Beast, Frum Forum and so on — it’s easy to forget that there are fantastic resource pages out there on what is happening around the world.

Is It 1848 Again?



This is a letter from Richard Vague, a Philadelphia businessman and co-founder with Steve Clemons of the Afghanistan Study Group. Vague also publishes the daily eclectic ideas of the day blog, Delancey Place.

Hillary Clinton Watch



In a program that ran this morning, I spoke to Michele Kelemen of National Public Radio about Hillary Clinton’s approach to foreign policy and reflected a bit on her policy and personnel choices.

Smartest Man in US Senate to Retire



In just about 20 minutes, at 3:30 pm EST and 1:30 pm in New Mexico, Jeff Bingaman (D-NM), Chairman of the Senate Energy Committee, is going to announce on KOAT that he will not run for his Senate seat again.

Eva Peron Wins: The Pretension of a “Savings Lottery”



Peter Orszag, now a new vice-chairman of global banking at Citigroup and former US Office of Management and Budget under Barack Obama, has written a provocative and (with all due respect Peter) wrong-headed Financial Times oped proposing that the way to promote savings among America’s low-income workers is to attach the prospect of winning millions…