TWN Co-Hosting Eugene Jarecki’s Award-Winning Film, “Why We Fight” Tonight & Some TWN Thoughts on Bush and the State of the Union



Tonight, come watch the film and meet director Eugene Jarecki for a Washington, DC pre-release premier of “Why We Fight“. The Washington Note, the American Strategy Program of the New America Foundation, the NYU Center on Law & Security, and the Coalition for a Realistic Foreign Policy are co-hosting this evening’s screening.

Server Errors: What to Do. . .



Greetings Web Geniuses: If you click on the comments below, you will get an error message. My web buddies have not yet responded to panicked calls. If any of you have any thoughts on what a quick fix might be, let me know. Thanks.

New PIPA Poll Has Disturbing Message about “Real State of the Union In Iraq”: By TWN’s Count, 62% of non-Kurdish Iraqis Support Attacks on U.S. Troops



Today, the Program on International Policy Attitudes is releasing a new World Public Opinion poll on Iraqi public opinion. Here are the poll results. Among the findings: The poll has found that 80% of Iraqis believe that the U.S. plans to have permanent military bases in Iraq. 76% thought America would not withdraw if asked….

Hamas Projected to Win 40% of Ballots in Today’s Palestinian Elections: Unofficial Israeli Leadership Drew the Line of Acceptability at 30% — Stress Ahead



We learned in the last U.S. presidential election that one has to tiptoe carefully through exit polls, which are often wrong and distracting, but this news out of the Palestinian election rings true to me. If anything, the Palestinians may even perform better than figures being released because of the cohesiveness of their party list….