Time for Bush to Re-Think Foreign Policy Legacy



I scribbled the following piece when in Jerusalem and sent to friends in Tokyo to consider publishing. It has just appeared in Japan’s largest English language daily, the Daily Yomiuri. Daily Yomiuri — March 18, 2006 Time for Bush to Turn Realist by Steven Clemons The various denominations that have demarcated the U.S.

New York & Tulsa



Apologies to the many New Yorkers who have written about meeting up. There has been some uncertainty about my flight plans — now mostly resolved. I get into JFK Airport today at 3:30 pm and am then heading into Manhattan to meet Josh Marshall.

Jimmy Carter on Palestine and Peace



Two weeks ago, I heard Zbigniew Brzezinski comment that Jimmy Carter had done something that few former U.S. Presidents did — other than Richard Nixon — and that was write major articles and give significant oratorical addresses on foreign policy without consulting their former national security advisors.

Late Night Coffee in Jerusalem



Just in case their are any political blog junkies in the neighborhood, I’m working late tonight at a very cool cafe/coffee shop in Jerusalem names Tmol Shilshom. I’ll be here late. I’ve already been engaged by some very interesting writers here on questions of US foreign policy, Hamas issues, and the brewing mess with Iran….

Nir Rosen on Iraq and Iran



My colleague and good friend Nir Rosen is turning into Mr. Q & A on the toughest parts of America’s foreign policy portfolio. Previously, he did this candid back-and-forth, “The Case for Cutting and Running“, with the Atlantic Monthly. Now, Foreign Policy magazine has just published this exchange with Nir on Iraq and Iran.

Bush Support at 37%



We have two years and nine months left with our current President, and his administration is again wobbly. Thus far, he seems to be falling in the polls because of his own actions and their consequences — not because of points the opposition has scored.