Charlie Rangel’s Fast Moving World
This is so much fun on its own. I don’t want to further comment — just smile. Charles Rangel invites you to “like” his government Facebook page.
This is so much fun on its own. I don’t want to further comment — just smile. Charles Rangel invites you to “like” his government Facebook page.
This quote by Georgetown’s Paul Pillar — a leading member of the Afghanistan Study Group — ran as the “quote of the day” in Monday’s New York Times. QUOTATION OF THE DAY “Democracy is bad news for terrorists.
As Moammar Gadhafi’s forces fail to retake key cities surrounding Tripoli and more and more countries explicitly denounce him and his government, there seems to be growing pressure on the Obama administration to do something.
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Greetings all. Have been on the run this morning and during the day. I think that this exchange I had with Savannah Guthrie and Chuck Todd on their MSNBC show, The Daily Rundown, was good and covered a lot of foreign policy ground….
On February 11th, I had the privilege of chairing this address sponsored by the New America Foundation/Middle East Task Force by former Malaysia Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim and panel discussion with the University of Maryland & Brookings/Saban Center’s Shibley Telhami and George Washington University’s Nathan Brown.
When the New York Times‘ Helene Cooper published her piece about “a man” possibly succeeding Julianna Smoot and before her Desiree Rogers as the next White House Social Secretary, my life changed. Listing me along with Sam Kass, Carlos Elizondo (whom I nominated), Senator Christopher Dodd, Chris Wayne and George Stevens Jr.
Rolling Stone‘s Michael Hastings is a consistent home run hitter. First, he profiled the culture of disdain that General Stanley McChrystal and his command staff had for their civilian leadership partners — ending McChrystal’s storied military career. Now, Hastings has something right out of bad fiction. Lt.
This is a guest note by Mark Leon Goldberg, Managing Editor of UN Dispatch, where this piece originally ran. Leave it to Muammar Qaddafi to bring together the Israelis and Palestinians at the United Nations.
Wow. This could be big. The conversation the right on the Afghanistan War is really beginning to happen. Huckabee could be No. 23. More from HuffPost‘s Sam Stein. To read more on US policy towards Afghanistan, a good resource is the Afghanistan Study Group report.
I wish Beck could be just laughed off. He’s absurd, ignorant, poisonous — but also dangerous. He does have an audience, some of which is obnoxiously pugnacious and alarmingly coercive. Today, Salon‘s Alex Pareene has a very good profile on Beck’s lunacy as he continues his Roger Ailes-sanctioned rant against George Soros and “reformed Judaism….