Karl Rove Finally, Finally, Finally in the Cross-Hairs?



The last time I invested some serious time in what was percolating in the Fitzgerald investigation of the White House leak of Valerie Plame Wilson’s CIA role, the best I was able to get was to confirm that Karl Rove was “enthusiastically” cooperating with Patrick Fitzgerald’s investigation and to confirm that Rove had helped lead…

Costs of Iraq War Skyrocketing



The Washington Post has run an important piece this morning on the rapidly increasing year on year costs of the Iraq War. Rather than becoming less expensive each year, American costs have increased, in constant dollars, each year.

Comments and Uncertainty about “The Iran Plans”



Seymour Hersh’s article on Bush’s plan for war with Iran has helped confirm the worst suspicions of those on the left scared of another neocon-like and neocon-led war in the Middle East and has bolstered some on the far right who were afraid that the White House had become too weak to take on the…

Transcript from Session with Legal Adviser to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice: John Bellinger Argues Case for International Law



John Bellinger is the best that it gets in the Bush administration. As I’ve written before, there is a multiple personality reality in any presidential administration, and the trick is to try and make sure that the “dominant personality” of the administration gets the nation on what is mostly a constructive, enlightened course.

Bush: “I’m the Decider” on Rumsfeld



President Bush is rebuffing the nation in clinging to Rumsfeld. Someone remind the President that his Secretary of Defense presided over behaviors that led to the image below, and to far worse: The calls for Rumsfeld to depart will only intensify now.

The Doha Round is Dead. . .Rob Portman Going to OMB



Others, including House Ways & Means Committee Chairman Bill Thomas, have said Doha was dead over and over, but today I believe it. U.S. Trade representative and former Ohio Congressman Rob Portman will move over to take Joshua Bolten’s position as Director of the Office of Management and Budget.