Harold Ford Needs to Stop Shot-Gunning and Start Sharp-Shooting



Congressman and Senate candidate Harold Ford, Jr. (D-TN-9) has just appealed to Republican Congressmen to join him in calling for Colin Powell to replace Don Rumsfeld as Secretary of Defense. I like Harold Ford a lot — but he’s veering into reckless theatrics with some of his latest positions.

And the Pulitzer Prize Goes to. . .(Not Fred Hiatt). . .



Dana Priest of the Washington Post for beat reporting — mostly for her coverage of intelligence matters and for the scoop on the secret CIA detention facilities; James Risen and Eric Lichtblau of the New York Times for national reporting — and they, of course, broke the story on warrantless wiretaps. . .

What About the Generals <em>Above</em> the Revolt and Below Rumsfeld?



Retired Marine Lt. General Michael DeLong published a significant retort to the growing league of generals calling for Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld to resign. The piece titled “A General Misunderstanding” ran in the New York Times over the weekend as well as the International Herald Tribune today. DeLong writes: As the No.

Responses to “How to Lose the Brain Race”



The New York Times has run three letters today in response to Michael Lind’s and my recent op-ed, “How to Lose the Brain Race.” My friend Dean Baker, Co-Director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research and a new blogger at “Beat the Press“, sent one of the three published responses.