FIFTH TIME to Grand Jury for Karl Rove



Karl Rove is back before the Valerie Plame case grand jury this morning — being reported everywhere. What would a Rove indictment be worth in terms of Bush approval rating points — now at 32%.

105,000 More to Go



ABC News is reporting that the Pentagon hopes to pull 30,000 troops out of Iraq if conditions are right on the ground. The condition that most matters most to the White House and our President, “the decider,” is the proximity to election day on November 7, 2006.

European Parliament Greens Go After Europe’s CIA Collaborators



(European Parliament Member Cem Oezdemir) Cem Oezdemir, a former German Bundestag Member and now a Member of the European Parliament, will be coming to Washington soon to press the matter of the CIA’s kidnappings, rendition program, and secret prisons in Europe — which may still be operating there.

Big Personnel Moves in Progressive Foreign Policy Circles



(Joseph Cirincione) Wow. I’ve just confirmed that nuclear non-proliferation giant Joseph Cirincione is moving out of his long-time nest at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and is moving to the Center for American Progress. Cirincione is easily the country’s leading progressive voice on nuclear non-proliferation and is widely respected on defense policy issues.

Lawrence Wilkerson: Straight Talk that America is Losing its Americanness



Yesterday, former State Department Chief of Staff Lawrence Wilkerson offered another installment in his own “straight talk express” in an article that appeared in the Baltimore Sun. He opens with a powerful blast that articulates what true nationalists in this country are feeling: In January 2001, with the inauguration of George W.

The Bin Laden Factor in November 2006



Another new tape. Osama Bin Laden and al Qaeda were always the ball George W. Bush, the Congress, and the Pentagon should have had their eye on. Saddam Hussein — though a thug who needed serious supervision — was a contrived, self-damaging distraction for this country.

Hu’s Big on Democracy?



Last night, in a speech before a Washington power crowd, Hu Jintao mentioned democracy nine times. Nine times — and his security team and intelligence/police forces did nothing about it. Jiang Lijun, however, mentions democracy in a draft, unsent email and is sentenced to four years in prison.