Chuck Peña: Why Liberals (like Peter Beinart) Can’t Win the War on Terror



In a recent op-ed in the Los Angeles Times, Peter Beinart — former editor of The New Republic, who has declared that only liberals can win the war on terror (the self-proclaimed subtitle of his new book) — offers up a weak mea culpa for “mistakenly” backing the Iraq war but lauds President Clinton’s “multilateral…

FLYNT LEVERETT Joining New America Foundation



(Flynt Leverett on the “News Hour with Jim Lehrer”) In August and September, I will be helping to organize two major national policy forums — one which will take place in Colorado and the other in the U.S. Senate — roughly titled “Thinking the Unthinkable on Iran”.

Kerry Finally Wakes Up On Iraq?



I’m normally a calm guy. There are few times when I get so angry that I want to put my fist through a wall, but not learning from one’s errors in matters of peace and war and life and death is one of them.

Today: Kevin Phillips on 2006 Elections



Today at 3:30 pm at the New America Foundation, I will be chairing a session with former Republican political strategist and author Kevin Phillips whose book American Theocracy: The Peril and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil, and Borrowed Money in the 21st Century garnered enormous attention this past year.

John McCain & George Soros: New York Encounter



I’m headed back to DC from a very interesting evening in New York where I got to hang out for a while in the plush and exotic “The Core Club” — an ultra-chic watering hole for people who have seriously large monetary endowments. (The Core Club’s official site is here.

Giles Trendle: European Collusion in Rendition



Europe seems to have been caught giving a nod and a wink in the dark to the CIA policy referred to in media circles as ‘extraordinary rendition’. Fourteen European states colluded with the CIA in secret US flights ferrying terror suspects around the world, according a report published last week by Europe’s human rights watchdog….

Steve Clemons: I’m Back



Well, nearly. I’m back in the country and about to talk with Brian Lehrer on New York’s public radio network at 10 a.m. Eastern this morning.

Katrina vanden Heuvel: Beltway Crusaders



As Robert Borosage, co-Director of the Campaign for America’s Future, argues in The Nation’s current issue, “the current rage in center-right Democratic circles is to resuscitate Harry Truman, substitute bin Laden for Stalin and jihadism for Communism, and summon America to a new global struggle.

Peter Trubowitz: Howler of the Week



“I think the jury is still out on WMD.” — Rep. Curt Weldon (R-PA) Weldon, responding to challenger Joseph Sestak, retired Navy admiral, is taking faith-based reality to new highs (lows). Check it out: Delco Times.