Jeb Bush as Environmentalist?



Probably not. . .but Jeb has been saying no to a new line of oil wells off the coast. More like a tool of Florida’s tourism industry, but that’s fine with me.

Tidbits on a Sunday Evening



First of all, I had to share this photo above from Vancouver. While my schedule proved to be too unpredictable to meet TWN readers in that city, I did catch up with some of Oakley the Amazing Weimaraner‘s cousins. These two are Jethro and Ellie May. Great dogs. This caught my eye.

No Tenure for Joe Lieberman



Ned Lamont is kicking some serious tail in the Connecticut Senate Democratic primary process and quickly overtaking the iconic Joseph Lieberman who has spent a lot of his time cultivating credentials as a hawkish, neoconservative-leaning almost-Republican.