P.J. Simmons: Can you Handle Another Inconvenient Truth?



Whether you’ve seen Al Gore’s film or not, you probably know by now that the carbon-based energy system we built last century is royally messing up our planet’s built-in thermostat — promising all kinds of nasty consequences unless we kick our response into high gear.

Flynt Leverett: Russia’s New Petro Power Politics



I have just returned from a trip to Moscow, for speaking engagements and meetings with officials, academic and think tank experts, and energy executives about the intersection of Russian energy strategy and Russian foreign policy.

Peter Trubowitz: Iraq and the Election



Many Democrats seem to think the best policy on Iraq for the November elections is to say as little as possible. They worry that Republicans will brand them “unpatriotic” if they are too critical of Bush’s policies in Iraq — if they dare, that is, to use Iraq to “nationalize” the election.

Asheesh Siddique: A Tale of Two Toms



Reading the transcript of former House Majority leader Tom DeLay‘s bitter, partisan (and in these ways, quite fitting) resignation speech from Thursday, I was struck by these remarks: We honor men with Monuments not because of their greatness, or even simply because of their service, but because of their refusal – even in the face…

Clyde Prestowitz: The View From Dubai



At a meeting of Middle Eastern, European, Asian, and American strategic analysts in Dubai last week, it quickly became clear that the common American view of the situation in the Persian Gulf region is only about 180 degrees away from that of the rest of the world.