Traveling Today and Baker-Hamilton Hype



I’m heading back from Vienna, Austria to Washington, DC today. Had several interesting meetings, particularly with IAEA officials here. The technical expertise of those who work in the guts of the IAEA is extremely impressive. Looks like the Baker-Hamilton report is getting leaked in bits and pieces.

Why Zelikow Departure is Really Bad



I’m rushing, but I wanted to share this email I scribbled out this morning. It’s a bit blunt, says more than I perhaps should at this point — but Philip Zelikow‘s departure as Condi Rice’s Counselor is very bad for those hoping for a more enlightened Bush administration foreign policy course.

VIENNA Blog Bash



It will probably be a small gathering — but those who want to meet me tomorrow morning in Vienna, Austria — I will be meeting some folks at about 11 am (at Cafe Central) (I might be a little late as I will be coming directly from the Airport).

Coffee in Vienna



I hear that Leon Trotsky used to hang out at the Cafe Central in Vienna. I will be arriving Wednesday morning in Vienna and departing Friday to participate in a conference on “The Role of Think Tanks in the Political Process of the EU and the US” sponsored by the Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation.

On Sunday, Iraq War Longer than World War II



Edward Luce and Demetri Sevastopulo have a thoughtful piece in the Financial Times anticipating the impact of the Iraq War narrative on the American psyche, particularly as of Sunday when the “Iraq War will enter its 1,347th day, thus overtaking the US’s involvement in the second world war.” Some key excerpts.

Misdiagnosing an Evolved Realism in US Foreign Policy?



The Financial Times‘ Philip Stephens published a very useful and interesting take on he rise of realism and fall of democracy-focused international idealism in U.S. foreign policy. Regrettably the article, “Democracy Falls Victim to Foreign Policy Realism,” is not available without registering and/or subscribing — but I still want to link it.