Israel-Palestine: Ignoring Opportunities When They Emerge



This is a fascinating, sober piece by Harvard University’s Mohammad-Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou on Israel-Palestine problems that looks at Hamas as an evolving, “astute” political player that needs to be engaged one way or another in any new effort at regional deal-making in the Middle East.

Democracy at Gunpoint Turbo-Charges Grievances in Middle East



Here is a decent UPI article capturing the essential themes of a program I participated in on Monday at the Hudson Institute titled “Is Democracy Good for the Middle East?” (audio version available here/MP3 download) I said a number of things which can be seen on C-Span’s coverage of the program, and which has been…

Mark Schmitt on McCain-Lieberman



This is interesting. Seven hours before I posted my piece on Marshall Wittman as the midwife of a McCain-Lieberman tie-up, Mark Schmitt had something similar up at Tapped. I suggest that McCain will win the Republican primary and bring Lieberman into the dance.

Chestertown Friday: Thoughts on John Bolton



There are some TWN readers on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, despite the comments of one student I met recently at the colonial era college, Washington College, who first asked “What’s a blog?” after a lecture I gave there. After I responded, he said, “I don’t think we have blogs on the Eastern shore.

The Pelosi-Harman Fault Line



Nancy Pelosi and Jane Harman have been on a collision course for some time. They are both very tough-minded, opinionated, media savvy Democrats on the rise, and they have been knocking into each other for some time while still feigning mutual admiration.

A Grameen Gala and Ted Turner’s Birthday



(Nobel Peace Prize Winner Muhammad Yunus, former President Bill Clinton, and Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton; UN Foundation Dinner, 19 Nov 2006, photo credit: Jennifer Willis) Last night, Washington’s political stars turned out to pay homage to the banker who started in 1976 lending $27 to 42 people in one village in Bangladesh.

Jealous of James Baker? Kissinger Changes Tune



According to Bob Woodward’s recent book State of Denial, Henry Kissinger reportedly advised the Bush administration that “victory was the only way out of Iraq.” Now, according to this AP report, Kissinger seems to be changing his tune.