Hillary Hires High Powered Research Director



I don’t know how many of you subscribe to Think Progress, a political newsletter affiliated with the Center for American Progress, but it does an extraordinary job of building a wave beneath hard-hitting political research and getting it out into the media and blogosphere.

Hillary Rodham Clinton Going to Announce Today



Hillary Clinton will be announcing she is running for President today. A good chance to see her in presidential mode will be at the New America Foundation‘s “10 Big Ideas” event — which oddly is not posted yet on New America’s website — on 31 January 2007 at the Hyatt Regency on Capital Hill.

Note to Senator Hagel: Don’t Quit the Senate!



Senator Chuck Hagel is on the verge of an announcement that he will reportedly make some time during the next two weeks — perhaps sooner rather than later — in which he will indicate whether he will run for President of the United States and whether he will run again to keep his seat as…

Daniel Levy on “Draft Israeli-Syrian Peace Deal Revelation”



This is a guest post by Daniel Levy, Senior Fellow and Director of the Middle East Policy Initiative at the New America Foundation as well as Senior Fellow at the Century Foundation An Informal Diplomatic Surge: Draft Israeli-Syrian Peace Deal Revealed As Secretary Rice continues her swing through the Middle East, pointedly avoiding Damascus,