Dean Baker Gut Punches the Ryan Medicare Plan



It’s a pdf — and it’s really wonky — but the tenacious numbers cruncher Dean Baker, has written up a serious study of the economic impact of House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s plans for Medicare. The CEPR paper, titled “The Ryan Medicare Plan: Winners and Losers” was co-written by Dean Baker and David Rosnick….

Bretton Woods: The View from My Window



(The White Mountains on a Snowy Day Taken From a room in the Omni Mt. Washington Resort; photo credit: Steve Clemons; click image above for very large version) I’m up communing with the spirit of John Maynard Keynes at the Mt. Washington Resort where he and others established the framework for the International Monetary Fund….

Arming Libyan Rebels Dangerous Proposition



This is a guest note by Daniel R. DePetris, a graduate student studying security issues at the Maxwell School of Syracuse University. DePetris is also an associate editor of the Journal on Terrorism and Security Analysis.

Media Matters Scores Against Glenn Beck



Media Matters CEO David Brock just released a statement on news that Fox and Glenn Beck would begin a new consulting relationship focused on other forms of content with Beck suspending in the not too distant future his daily Fox News show.

Crime Against All of Palestine: Khamis Assassinated



Just heard terrible news that a popular Arab-Israeli actor and ‘healthy civil society’ activist has been assassinated allegedly by Palestinian militants in Jenin on the West Bank. Juliano Mer Khamis, director of Arna’s Children and founder of Jenin’s Freedom Theater was killed today.

Moon on Water: Open Thread



This is a pic I took when I was in Florida last time. You can click it to get a larger version if you like. I’m down here again for a very fast trip to speak at the Lou Frey Institute of Politics and Goverment at the University of Central Florida on US-China policy.

Queen Anne’s County’s Famous Guilty Dog



The world’s most famous guilty dog, Denver, lives in Millington, Maryland — just five miles from my river house in the same county. Very cute clip done by owners Mali and Brenda Vujanic. When my dogs get into stuff they shouldn’t, they are completely duplicitous and act as if nothing at all happened.