Iraq Rhetoric: Senators in Glass Houses



I’ll throw in my two cents on Bush friend Pete Domenici’s statement on Iraq this week. My organization doesn’t work on Iraq, but my colleagues and I spend a great deal of time thinking about how we use language and how it affects the public debate.

Pete Domenici Breaks from Bush/Cheney



Senator Pete Domenici (R-NM) really likes President Bush and Vice President Cheney. He has had a strained relationship with John McCain for years — and when Bush beat McCain in the 2000 primaries, Domenici was absolutely “giddy” about it.

The Story Behind the Abduction of Britain’s 15 Sailors



Was Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei behind the abduction of Britain’s 15 sailors — who were taken by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard on March 23rd of this year — or not? Many of the Iran experts I know have told me that it is hard to imagine a scenario that would not depict Khamenei as the…

Five Easy Pieces



I imagine Steve figured his “Happy 4th of July” post would stay up here throughout the holiday, but I’m bumping it down to announce my triumphant return to The Washington Note and explain my two-week absence.

The Good and the Bad: Libby Goes Free



I am hosting a dinner for Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs R. Nicholas Burns tonight, and will report on the “on the record” portion later. In other news, Scooter Libby will not go to jail. He will still have to pay a $250,000 fine and will be on 2-year probation.