Lugar on Energy and Iraq



I heard Sen. Dick Lugar deliver some insightful remarks this morning on energy, Iraq, and U.S. foreign policy at the 20/20 Vision National Summit on Energy Security. The talk was an acceptance speech for the first ever Energy Security Leadership Award.

John McCain’s Campaign Woes: The Cheney Factor



I attended a John McCain Mixer at “The Core Club” in New York last year (on an evening I had helped organize a George Soros book party in the same club) and was impressed with McCain’s unambiguous support for stem cell research, his smart views on immigration reform, as well as his candor that he…




Scott Paul has been doing a great job offering some stimulating posts while I have had a heavy conference and meeting schedule in Berlin. I will be back in full commentary mode when I get back to Washington tonight.

Report on Hardened Underground Facility near Natanz



(Natanz nuclear enrichment facility) Just released in the Washington Post is an interesting story on the existence of a new — heretofore unreported — hardened underground facility and set of tunnels conneted to Natanz. Some analysts believe that it this facility is probably meant to disperse and protect nuclear assets in case of attack.

Bush, Hagel, McCain: You Can’t Go Home Again



How times have changed — sort of. I realize that the above picture is not as clear as it might be. I snapped it on my cell phone camera when visiting Senator Hagel‘s office recently. The picture shows George W. Bush hugging Senators McCain and Hagel.

Iraq Rhetoric: Senators in Glass Houses



I’ll throw in my two cents on Bush friend Pete Domenici’s statement on Iraq this week. My organization doesn’t work on Iraq, but my colleagues and I spend a great deal of time thinking about how we use language and how it affects the public debate.