The Human Face of Climate Change



(Huene Island, pictured above, part of the Carteret Island chain, has literally been cut in two by rising sea levels) Papua New Guinea’s Mission to the United Nations recently announced that it would evacuate the Carteret Islands, a horseshoe-shaped group of islands in the South Pacific.

Bhutto and Musharraf, Feuding Again



Frankly there’s not a whole lot new here to comment on — they’re feuding over the recent bombings, IAEA inspectors, terrorism, and democracy. Expect plenty more through January. But I did want to highlight some fantastic acrylic paintings created by my friend over at Chapati Mystery.

Making the Desert Bloom



An underreported story that is finally getting some ink in the US mainstream press is the redirection of Saudi Arabia’s oil wealth to new, dare I say progressive, ventures.

Flip-Flop Alert: Senators Suddenly on the Fence



Sens. John Sununu, Norm Coleman, and George Voinovich all voted for the Law of the Sea in 2004. According to sources in the Senate, all are now reconsidering their votes under heavy pressure from the likes of John Bolton, Frank Gaffney, and their most vocal black helicopter-fearing constituents.

Democracy, West Africa, and the UN



The National Democratic Institute hosted a terrific (and huge and really long) lunch yesterday honoring the Fifty Fifty Group in Sierra Leone and Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf. The work that Fifty Fifty has done to bring women into politics in Sierra Leone is very impressive.

Spitzer on the Rocks



Speaking at the Center on Law and Security at NYU Law School last Friday, New York State Governor Spitzer announced the endorsement from Richard Clarke for his plan to start providing illegal aliens with driver’s licenses from.

Jennifer Buntman Joining TWN Blogging Team



As part of our ever expanding TWN media empire, Jennifer Buntman will be joining us as a regular contributor and one of the newest “Notetakers” for The Washington Note. Jennifer is a masters candidate at the Fletcher School at Tufts University.

<em>Guest Post by Doug Rediker</em>: More Caviar, Mr. Minister?



Doug Rediker is Co-Director, along with Heidi Crebo-Rediker, of the New America Foundation’s newly launched Global Strategic Finance Initiative Between mouthfuls of canapes, business card exchanges and polite toasts, my prime take-aways from this past weekend’s G7, IMF and World Bank meetings here in Washington were, first, how yesterday’s poor third world countries have become,…

What Would Reagan Do?



Conservatives are asking What Would Reagan Do on the Law of the Sea. Personally, I don’t care all that much and would defer to the unanimous judgment of today’s national security, business, and environmental leadership. But some conservatives do care. The answer to WWRD? Ratify. It’s not even close.