Sneak Peak at State of the Union Highlights



State of the Union Excerpts — 28 January 2008 President George W. Bush — The White House As Prepared for Delivery “The actions of the 110th Congress will affect the security and prosperity of our Nation long after this session has ended.

Up at Bloggingheads



Mark Goldberg and I had a chat about the Law of the Sea Convention and treaty politics in general over at Bloggingheads. There are lots of moving parts right now regarding the Law of the Sea, some of which I hope to report on later.

The Name is Bergen. . .Peter Bergen



My friend and New America Foundation colleague Peter Bergen will always be remembered as the guy who found Osama bin Laden and arranged a famous CNN interview of him when the CIA couldn’t find him.




I’m off to Montreal today to check in with McGill University’s big Model UN exercise for students from around the United States and Canada. Will comment on South Carolina later.

When Not Campaigning in Florida Seems Like it Is



One of the more amusing twists in the Obama-Clinton battle at the moment is how they are both trying to campaign in Florida without technically doing so. While watching the Democratic debates the other night in South Carolina from Washington, DC, I saw my first Obama TV ads.

Capital Idea: Bring Carnival to DC



Bushlandia, carnival centerpiece in Torres Verdes, Portugal; photo credit: Skip Kaltenheuser Washington, DC is a town that takes itself way too seriously. It depends on Jon Stewart for an injection of levity. Skip Kaltenheuser, a chronicler of carnivals around the world, has just written up his proposal to bring Carnival to Washington.