Under the Sea



The Wall Street Journal is running an interesting piece on Alexandre Albuquerque, the Chairman of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf. Worth a read for anyone interested in just part of what’s at stake in the Law of the Sea ratification debate.

Hillary Seems to Concede; Barack Obama Sizzles



Did I hear Hillary Clinton concede tonight? I think that gesture at the end of the debates, the failure to really go after Barack Obama on a number of fronts, her sitting there with a blank-ish stare for much of the time he got into a high tempo oratory zone indicated to me that she…

Immediate Post-Debate Reactions



Hillary Clinton went out of her way to reference John Edwards a number of times, but it didn’t seem forced. One of her tasks tonight was apparently to position herself as the candidate carrying Edwards’s torch on economic issues. On that, she did a reasonably good job.

Candidates’ Reinstatements Could Spell Trouble for Ahmadinejad



Reuters is reporting an important story on the reinstatement of over a thousand candidates for the March 14th Iranian parliamentary elections who were initially struck from the lists by government committees: Over 2,000 registered candidates out of 7,200 were initially barred by government committees.

The Pro-Business President?



The Bush administration has bent over backwards to cater to business interests. At least, that’s been my perception from the outside. Last week, I met with an influential operative in the business community about the Law of the Sea. We agree on the importance of U.S.

Troubling Line of the Night



Hillary Clinton told her supporters last night: “One of us is ready to be commander-in-chief in a dangerous world.” Setting up the “dangerous world” frame is right out of the Frank Luntz playbook. I’d link to his writings on national security but I can’t seem to find them online — I only have hard copies….

Congrats to Josh Marshall: TPM Wins Polk Award



Joshua Micah Marshall and his Talking Points Memo franchise have just won a prestigious Polk Award. This is a key development in recognition of blogging. The judges sited specifically Josh and his team’s work in connecting the dots in the patterned firing of US attorneys. Josh is a co-parent of The Washington Note.