The View From My Window: Vienna Opera House



(Vienna Opera, June 2011; photo: Steve Clemons; click image for much larger version) I love Andrew Sullivan‘s “The View from Your/My Window” concept and thank him for letting me borrow the practice for The Washington Note.

Comments Alert



Greetings readers. Well, have to get back to monitoring again. I have just banned a couple of prominent commenters — sorry, but just had to.

Hossein Derakshan: Sued Here and Imprisoned There



Yesterday I received the distressing news that the father of blogging in Iran, Hossein Derakshan (aka Hoder) — the young person who had helped create the on-ramps for hundreds if not thousands of bloggers inside Iran as well as inspiring Iranian-Americans around the world to express themselves — failed to secure an appeal of a…

Thoughts on the Internet, Foreign Policy & Citizenship



I did this short interview yesterday with ‘Karl’ outside a very good conference organized by the State Department and US Embassy to Austria in Vienna titled “Blogs and Bullets: How the New Media Shape Political Action.” More soon from Vienna.

Addressing America’s Infrastructure Deficit



Today from 9:30 am until about 12:30 pm, The Atlantic will be hosting a forum in the US Senate on the costs and opportunities of a national infrastructure bank. The sessions follow after the extension — and the meeting will stream live here.




Greetings readers. For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been a bit slower posting — and I just wanted to express my deep thanks to all of you to allow me the space to make some shifts in the way my professional life is organized.

Some News & New Grooves in DC



Today, I received alerts that three friends had taken new positions. National Security Network Deputy Director Joel Rubin is no longer with the National Security Network, a great organization that is smartening Dems up on foreign policy.

As Martial Law Ends in Bahrain, Will Anyone Notice?



This is a guest post by Jonathan Guyer, a program associate at the New America Foundation/Middle East Task Force and the official cartoonist of The Washington Note. He also is assistant editor for The Middle East Channel at FP. He blogs at Mideast by Midwest.