The Most Dangerous Man in the World



Osama bin Laden is not the most dangerous man in the world. And while George Bush and Vice President Cheney have been reckless and imperiled America’s position in the world, they too don’t rank all that high. But A.Q. Khan does.

Goodbye Tim Russert



Tim Russert died today from a heart attack. He has been a giant in political news — and he resisted for the most part much of the corruption of journalist celebratization, though clearly he knew he was a celebrity. I’m very sad about this news.

<em>Guest Post by Ben Katcher</em>: Domestic or Foreign Policy Agenda Setting?



Ben Katcher is a Program Associate with the New America Foundation’s American Strategy Program. At the Center for a New American Security “Pivot Point: New Directions for American Security” conference Wednesday, the question was raised of whether the next president is likely to invest his political capital in the domestic or the international sphere.

Cameron Does A Bang-Up Debating Job



Yesterday during the Prime Minister’s Questions, British Parliament debated the proposal by Gordon Brown’s Labor party to extend detention times for terrorist suspects from 28 days to 42 days.

Obama’s Fangs Give Me Hope



One of the things I really, really liked when I met Howard Dean in January 2003 at an event that I helped organize between the New America Foundation and the Atlantic Monthly on the subject of the “Real State of the Union” was how ferocious and tenacious I saw he could be.

The UN Foundation’s 10th



Tonight, I’m going to a big bash celebrating the UN Foundation’s 10th Anniversary at the brand spanking new Newseum. Ted Turner chairs, Tim Wirth and Kathy Calvin run it, and John Bolton complains. (sort of like that old adage: Washington reigned, Hamilton ruled, and Jefferson complained. . .) Tonight, they will be honoring Kofi Annan….

Thanks to Prince of Petworth



(photo credit: Prince of Petworth) In the last few hours, I have received three emails from friends telling me my house was featured as “house of the day” on a local blog with which I don’t think I have any connection.

A Note to Jimmy Carter



Yesterday, I met with some Americans who have just returned from traveling to Syria, Jordan, the Palestinian territories, and Libya. They met a number of high ranking state officials in these governments but also met with representatives of Hamas and Hezbollah.