STREAMING Live: George Mitchell & Jeffrey Goldberg on Middle East Conflict
This evening between about 5:50 pm (might start a few minutes late) and 7:15 pm EST, I will be chairing at Atlantic Exchange event on the subject of Middle East peace.
This evening between about 5:50 pm (might start a few minutes late) and 7:15 pm EST, I will be chairing at Atlantic Exchange event on the subject of Middle East peace.
As Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, US military officers — incumbents and retired — and others in DC’s firmament condemn the US Marines that apparently urinated on dead Taliban militants, I’m wondering how long it will take for a movement to grow inside the United States that embraces the soldiers and the “pissing act” that Panetta…
Broadcasting live with Ustream As previously mentioned, I will be chairing a session today at the New America Foundation between 12:15 pm and 1:45 pm EST titled “Reframing US Strategy in a Turbulent World: American Spring?” The speakers are Georgetown Professor and Council on Foreign Relations Senior Fellow Charles Kupchan, New America Foundation fellow and…
The last time I saw Tony Blankley was at an interesting dinner hosted by David DesRosiers of Real Clear Politics and Carl Schramm of the Kauffman Foundation in July 2011 at the Jefferson Hotel.
photo courtesy: White House While budget details of President Obama’s just unveiled new defense strategy remain scant and vague and the President feels the need to continue hawking his combo of budgetary constraint and military hawkishness, stating that his forthcoming budgets would still be larger than those of the preceding Bush administration.
Reuters A senior White House official has confirmed that Vice President Joe Biden will take the lead on the administration’s next phase China policy.
In the latest issue of Democracy: A Journal of Ideas, former Clinton administration National Security Council staffer and Georgetown University international affairs professor Charles Kupchan has published an interesting essay titled “Grand Strategy: The Four Pillars of the Future.
Oakley the Amazing Weimaraner is done with 2011. Buddy and Annie still have a little left for the next few days. (Click image for larger version.
This is a photo I accidentally took with my new iPhone from inside a house on the Chester River on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Just struck me as beautiful and wanted to share. Click image above if you would like a larger version. Always interested in your pics as well.
Iraq surge architects Frederick and Kimberly Kagan have published an informed, provocative, yet thoughtful commentary, “Is Iraq Lost?“, in the latest Weekly Standard. The authors open with a blast at what they characterize as a self-congratulating Obama administration.