Getting the Audit Right on Iraq


Iraq surge architects Frederick and Kimberly Kagan have published an informed, provocative, yet thoughtful commentary, “Is Iraq Lost?“, in the latest Weekly Standard. The authors open with a blast at what they characterize as a self-congratulating Obama administration.

Saudi Ambassador’s Holiday Greeting at Xmas


Something for those who think Christianity and Islam are deeply divided, a holiday card greeting I received from Adel bin Ahmed Al-Jubeir, Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to the United States: In the name of God, Most Compassionate Most Merciful, Behold, the angels said: “O Mary, God giveth thee glad tidings of a Word from Him:…

Civil War Holiday Gifts


I’ve been reading a copy of the The Atlantic‘s Special Commemorative Issue, The Civil War, which includes an introduction by President Barack Obama.

Wow: Ron Paul’s Foreign Policy Ad


Ron Paul’s supporters offer a stinging critique of US foreign policy in this provocative campaign ad that should win some sort of prize for making a serious policy point with more than a talking head.