Doing Part of Dubai with Hertzberg and Kaiser



(Hendrik Hertzberg, Steve Clemons and Charles Kaiser in Dubai) This morning I am out to see more of Dubai — along with two terrific social and political commentators, the New Yorker‘s Hendrick Hertzberg, who has his own blog at the magazine and Charles Kaiser, publisher of Full Court Press and author of the The Gay…

The View From a Tahoe Perch & Happy New Year!



(photo credit: Kori Schake) I have had a pretty busy couple of days reading a dozen or so books competing in the Los Angeles Times History Book Prize for which I was drawn in to be a judge by Ron Brownstein. This is one of the best things I have ever done.

Personal Reflection on the Life of Chess Butler



I didn’t have the opportunity to know “Chess”, or William Chessley Butler, who died this past week at the age of 23 from cystic fibrosis. Chess was the son of one of my closest high school friends, Nikki LeMaster Butler, and I just received word of his passing.