Moving Away From ‘Privileged Partnership’?



It is ironic that foreign affairs analysts (and international investors) seem to be more sanguine about Turkey’s political and economic outlook heading into 2010 than they have been in years, but at the same time Turkey’s prospects of joining the European Union remain mired in a steady decline.

Kurdistan in Limbo



Graeme Wood has a fascinating piece in the current edition of Foreign Policy about his travels in the “limbo world” of unofficial or unrecognized states.

New America Foundation Banned Organization In Iran — TWICE



Now, this has to be one of the strangest round-ups of organizations I have seen in a long time — organizations considered by Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence to be trouble-makers inside Iran and thus “blacklisted.” Here is the Iranian source — as well as a comprised list of translated organizations from Laura Rozen and Neo-Resistance….

Losing Smith Bagley



(A giant tree at Musgrove, the family estate of Smith Bagley and the Arca Foundation — photo credit: Steve Clemons) In Dubai a day and a half ago, I was sitting on a bus next to well known Clinton family friend and adviser Lanny Davis who was chatting with me about the widest possible array…

Guest Post by Jon Weinberg: The Limits of Iraqi Constitutionalism



Jon Weinberg is a research intern with the New America Foundation/Middle East Task Force. The Iraqi constitution stipulates that there be “a referendum in Kirkuk and other disputed territories to determine the will of their citizens, in a period not to exceed (the thirty first of December two thousand and seven).

Guest Post by Anya Landau French: What He Said



Anya Landau French is director of research for the New America Foundation/U.S.-Cuba Policy Initiative. Normally I say my piece and I let it go. But sometimes, the point bears repeating, especially when it deals with serious national security questions.

Today Dubai, Tomorrow San Fran



(The Burj Khalifa — previously the Burj Dubai — on opening night, 4 January 2010; photo credit: Steve Clemons) Here is a farewell pic from Dubai — a picture of the new tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa (which until a few hours ago was known as the Burj Dubai).