Karzai and Zardari’s Visits to Washington Highlight America’s Problems in Afghanistan and Pakistan


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The clip above features New America Foundation President & CEO Steve Coll and NBC News’ Andrea Mitchell, who offer a frightening portrait of the profound weaknesses’ of both Afghanistan’s and Pakistan’s leaders.
You may also want to read Max Hastingsop-ed in today’s Financial Times, which stands out for its lucid description of NATO’s strategic challenges in the region.
First, Hastings points out that while the Obama administration focuses on redeploying troops to achieve ill-defined goals in Afghanistan, it is in Pakistan that Al-Qaeda poses the greatest threat both to the United States and to the region.
Second, the Obama administration has made a number of tactical decisions – including sending an additional 21,000 troops to Afghanistan – without articulating clear, identifiable, and achievable goals.
Third, Hastings explores the rifts within NATO – particularly those between the United States and the United Kingdom – posed by the continued deployment of coalition troops in Afghanistan.
— Ben Katcher


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