Mutual Assured Cuteness in US-Japan Relations (or the Pentagon has REALLY Gotten Too Big)



America and Japan: the cutest military alliance in the whole world. Occasional blogger Gen Kanai sent me this fascinating note referencing a CNNGo post by Matt Alt about manga cartoon love and the US-Japan security relationship. From Gen Kanai: This is pretty amazing.

The Prop 8 Strike Down Explained


The Bilerico Players have put together this slightly odd — but highly informative — animated exchange between a mocked-up Judge Vaughn Walker and a legal counsel supporting the anti-same sex marriage Proposition 8, which was Judge Walker struck down. Worth the seven minutes.

Jonathan Guyer: Mike Mullen’s Options



(click image for larger version) Jonathan Guyer is a program associate at the New America Foundation/Middle East Task Force and the official cartoonist of The Washington Note. He blogs at Mideast by Midwest. Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen certainly caught our attention on the Sunday talkies.

The World Through A New Frame: From London to Mongolia


This is a guest post by Parag Khanna, A Senior Research Fellow at the New America Foundation and author of The Second World: Empires and Influence in the New Global Order. Khanna is pictured above with his team mates who drove this ambulance in an 8000 mile Mongolia charity rally.

Disturbing: Israeli Youth Help Raze Entire Bedouin Village



(Moments before the destruction of the Bedouin village of al-Arakib, Israeli high school age police volunteers lounge on furniture taken from a family’s home; photo credit: Ata Abu Madyam, Arab Negev News; click image to make larger) I support Israel’s legitimate interests and rights in what is a very tough neighborhood, but this behavior —…

L’Enfant’s Genius in Planning DC Greater Than You Thought



(A digital rendering of the U.S. Capitol as it would have looked in 1814; credit: Scott Berg) Pierre Charles L’Enfant’s genius in planning Washington, DC becomes even more dramatic when reading and looking through this material presented in an interactive presentation in the Washington Post Magazine by George Mason University’s Scott Berg.

More on Asia and Dogs: Ikenberry Enters the Fray



(photo of Jackson Ikenberry next to Hachiko at Shibuya Station, Japan; photo credit: G. John Ikenberry) Sorry folks. This may be a bit inside for some of you — but I have this sort of weird, psycho connection with G. John Ikenberry, a professor of international relations at Princeton University.