Terrorism, Security & America’s Purpose: Towards A More Comprehensive Strategy



For the next several days, I will be providing regular updates about the themes and issues, as well as speakers, that will be part of a major national policy forum on terrorism that I am helping to organize in Washington on September 6 & 7.

Everything for Sale: The Clinton Global Initiative



I’m sure that this post will frustrate a number of my friends, but seriously — $15,000?! This weekend I stayed with a great couple — thoughtful people who are public policy intellectuals in their own right — and they were invited to attend Bill Clinton’s mega-event, the “inaugural meeting” of the Clinton Global Initiative.

John Bolton: Modeling Himself on Mr. Nyet?



On Friday, Al Kamen ran a brief clip reporting on one of John Bolton’s first responses to journalists recording and watching his every move. From yesterday’s media stakeout of United Nations Ambassador John R. Bolton : Reporter: “A question on Iran?” Bolton: “No.” Perhaps John Bolton is modeling himself on Andrei Gromyko, the famous “Mr….