Crime Against All of Palestine: Khamis Assassinated



Just heard terrible news that a popular Arab-Israeli actor and ‘healthy civil society’ activist has been assassinated allegedly by Palestinian militants in Jenin on the West Bank. Juliano Mer Khamis, director of Arna’s Children and founder of Jenin’s Freedom Theater was killed today.

Canada-US Policy Inukshuk (Oscar) Awards: And the Winner Is. . .



The Canadians know have to have fun. Thursday evening, the Embassy threw its own stylized night of Oscar-like, red carpet strolling, high drama award-giving for some of Washington’s policy and political elite who embrace rather than poke fun at the maple leaf and all that entails.

Queen Anne’s County’s Famous Guilty Dog



The world’s most famous guilty dog, Denver, lives in Millington, Maryland — just five miles from my river house in the same county. Very cute clip done by owners Mali and Brenda Vujanic. When my dogs get into stuff they shouldn’t, they are completely duplicitous and act as if nothing at all happened.

The Hindery Memo on Jobs: The Real Unemployment Picture Shows US Economy Short 20 Million Jobs



While growing up on US military bases, one of the perennial radio personalities that the Department of Defense would transmit to us wayward DoD dependents was Paul Harvey and his show, The Rest of the Story.

Iran’s Earthquakes & Nuclear Safety Concerns



(Satellite image after 2003 Bam, Iran earthquake; photo courtesy of Digital Globe) Yesterday I mentioned that Freedom House and the Progressive Policy Institute had launched a new Iran Strategy Task Force to look at Iran’s human rights record and raise awareness and concerns about Iran’s conventional military capabilities.