Gordon Brown: Global Economy Still Not at a New Normal, Still Evolving, Shocks Ahead



This speech delivered at the 2011 Institute for New Economic Thinking Conference in Bretton Woods, NH by former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown was stunningly excellent. Both the substance of Brown’s comments and his delivery of them electrified the room.

New Economic Thinking Conference to Shatter Illusion of Control



(Steve Clemons and Joseph Stiglitz sitting in the private apartments of John Maynard Keynes, Kings College, Cambridge University; April 2010; photo credit: Leif Pagrotsky) Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz and I attended last year one of those conferences that decades from now historical societies will note with a marker on the wall.

James Madison: War, Debt, Taxies, Armies & More Debt



As more of a Hamiltonian, I always feel a bit of a rankle when something Madisonian arises, but writer and libertarian blogger Doug Bandow emailed me his thoughts on Libya, the email footer of which was this important James Madison comment: Of all the enemies of true liberty, war is, perhaps, the most to be…

Dean Baker Gut Punches the Ryan Medicare Plan



It’s a pdf — and it’s really wonky — but the tenacious numbers cruncher Dean Baker, has written up a serious study of the economic impact of House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s plans for Medicare. The CEPR paper, titled “The Ryan Medicare Plan: Winners and Losers” was co-written by Dean Baker and David Rosnick….

Bretton Woods: The View from My Window



(The White Mountains on a Snowy Day Taken From a room in the Omni Mt. Washington Resort; photo credit: Steve Clemons; click image above for very large version) I’m up communing with the spirit of John Maynard Keynes at the Mt. Washington Resort where he and others established the framework for the International Monetary Fund….