<em>The Guardian</em>‘s Ewen MacAskill on the Chuck Hagel Salon



(Cambridge Energy Research Associates Chairman Daniel Yergin, former First USA Bank CEO Richard Vague, and Senator Chuck Hagel — New America Foundation/American Strategy Program dinner salon, 20 February 2007) Senator Chuck Hagel (R-NE) recently spoke at a policy salon I hosted with businessman Richard Vague in Washington, DC.

Ashcroft’s Role in Sirius/XM vs Broadcasters Battle: Working for the Side Who Will Pay the Most?



I once worked with a person — who will remain unnamed — who said that in the work my institution was focused on and that was primarily supported by two sides of an industry group at war with each other that we should pick the side that gives us the most financial support (i.e., dough)….

A Troubling Yet Hopeful Note on Afghanistan from USAF Colonel Edward Westermann



I just acquired an interesting letter sent to a number of military officials and academics around the country by Air Force Col. Edward Westermann who has been working in Afghanistan and who now teaches at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs.