Rep. Dan Burton to Support End to Cuba Travel Ban



Sarah Stephens, Executive Director of the Center for Democracy in the Americas, has reported that Congressman Dan Burton (R-IN) will support legislation allowing family-related travel to Cuba, “The Cuban-American Family Rights Restoration Act,” sponsored by Congressman Bill Delahunt (D-MA). According to a press release, Congressman Burton made the commitment to Sarah Stephens and Sgt.

Barack Obama tells Iowans: “Nobody is Suffering More than the Palestinian People. . .”



I just came across an interesting letter sent to presidential candidate Barack Obama by over 100 Iowa Caucus participants from 28 different cities. I did not realize that the oldest mosque in North America is in Cedar Rapids.

Fred Thompson MUST Be Running



Pajamas Media has an “exclusive” movie review of the film, 300, by former Tennessee Senator and presidential wannabe (maybe) Fred Thompson. Thompson writes: The comic book movie 300 about the Spartans and the Persians in 480 AD is still breaking box-office records. Now it seems the rulers of modern-day Persia, Iran, are not amused.

California Anti-Bilingual Proposition King Ron Unz to be Next Publisher of <em>The American Conservative</em>



I just got a scoop on who the next publisher of The American Conservative is going to be — and it’s an intriguing choice. I read The American Conservative because Vice President Cheney hates the publication and thinks that its editorialists run in the same gaggle of “Not-Republicans-Enough-for-Cheney” as Chuck Hagel and Chris Shays.