Purging the Neocons from the American Soul



Here is some thinking I have written up about America’s ongoing neocon problem and the threat that that movement represents over at Andrew Sullivan’s Daily Dish. And for those in Chicago or at APSA, I’m blogging away in the fantastic lounge of the Sheraton Hotel on the Chicago River.

Coffee in Chicago



I’ll be lurking at the American Political Science Association annual gathering in Chicago from Thursday (tomorrow) through Sunday. Nothing like YearlyKos, but still — you learn stuff from academics. . .and tons of them are reading this and other blogs. I’ll be downtown and don’t know my schedule fully.

The “Donut Hole” Endorsement: Why Chris Dodd Won the Firefighters



A new, interesting blog — Wonkosphere — monitors how much ‘buzz’ is flying around the blogosphere on the various presidential candidates. Interestingly, Ron Paul places second at the moment behind front-runner, Hillary Rodham Clinton. Obama is third. Chris Dodd runs in seventh place but beats Giuliani, Huckabee, McCain, Brownback, and Kucinich.