Hillary Clinton’s Health Care Diva



(Laurie Rubiner, Legislative Director in the Office of Senator Hillary Clinton) Hillary’s foreign policy team has some of the mega-stars in the national security business. She has Madeleine Albright, Richard Holbrooke, Sandy Berger, Wesley Clark, William Perry, and a good number of their acolytes — but her counselors are about as top-heavy as George W….

Hillary Clinton Wins Wesley Clark’s Endorsement



General Wesley Clark, who was the first among potential presidential candidates, to call for direct nation-to-nation talks between Iran and the United States, has just endorsed Hillary Clinton — who came later to that view on Iran than he did.

America is Debating Tactics, Not Strategy



My New America Foundation colleague Michael Lind and author of The American Way of Strategy has just penned a thoughtful op-ed that gets right at the nugget of what Senator Lugar was pushing in his opening statement at the Crocker/Petraeus Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearings.

The War As We Saw It. . . Two Soldier Op-ed Writers Killed



. . .is now very much in the past tense for two US soldiers, now dead, who helped pen an important August 19th New York Times op-ed, “The War As We Saw It,” authored by seven soldiers in Iraq. FireDogLake has more. Petraeus called these soldiers the new “Greatest Generation.