Reversal of the Reversal of Fortune?

Before she was up and he was down and now he’s back on top again. According to Gallup’s daily tracking polls, Obama now has a three point lead over Hillary Clinton.
Before she was up and he was down and now he’s back on top again. According to Gallup’s daily tracking polls, Obama now has a three point lead over Hillary Clinton.
Across my desk just came an interesting newspaper supplement packed with some thoughtful national security related interviews and commentary from the Munich Security Conference. The publication was jointly published by the Sueddeutsche Zeitung and the American Academy in Berlin.
Wearing blue is sometimes just not enough. I hug a lot of Republicans — particularly today’s “dissident Republicans in foreign and economic policy”, and there are some Dems I won’t go near — and the flip is true. I hug a lot of Democrats, and there are a lot of Republicans I won’t go near….
P.J. Simmons, formerly with the Sea Studios Foundation and now with Big Blue Advisors, just sent me this link to a high quality Sea Studios video titled “Ahead of the Curve: Business Responds to Climate Change.” It is 12 minutes long — and I hope folks watch it, particularly those in the business community.
(photo credit: Will Bower) Last night, I could not attend a happy hour gathering of friends of mine at the Mayflower Hotel’s Town & Country Bar as I was participating in a Center for New America Security dinner with Iran specialist Vali Nasr and nuclear arms expert Ashton Carter.
Have any of them been to Cuba? For a few hours, it seemed that only Barack Obama’s passport files had been breached. Now we know that both John McCain’s and Hillary Clinton’s passport information have also been breached.
Zbigniew Brzezinski just engaged in a high-sizzle, must watch exchange on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” this morning with Joe Scarborough, Tucker Carlson and his daughter — Mika Brzezinski.
Bill Richardson has now endorsed Barack Obama’s presidential bid. I guess the evening with President Bill Clinton watching a hockey match didn’t do enough to twin over the interest of the New Mexico governor. Of the presidential candidates, Senator Chris Dodd endorsed Obama first. Joe Biden and John Edwards remain uncommitted.
Avaaz is essentially the global version of — and in the short year or so that its organizers and constituents have been kicking up the spotlight on international problems, they have accomplished much. I’m particularly supportive of Avaaz’s efforts on a Gaza ceasefire.
Doug Bandow has a hard-hitting critique of John McCain over at McCain opponents will find it one of the best compilations of tightly wound reasons to agitate against John McCain getting the keys to the White House and the codes to the “football.