TERRORISM SALON: Yosri Fouda on Atta’s Embodiment of the Arab/Muslim Street



(Yosri Fouda is the Chief Investigative Correspondent and Former London Bureau Chief for Al-Jazeera). This is also true. But there is a difference between ‘select’ and ‘invent’. Atta, who in my opinion epitomizes the heart of a very frustrated Arab/Muslim street, was already there for the taking.

TERRORISM SALON: Peter Bergen on Atta’s Selection


(Peter Bergen is a Schwartz Senior Fellow at the New America Foundation). I agree with much of Yosri’s post. But Bin Laden selected Atta to run the 9/11 operation. This is what effective leaders do. Select the right people to carry out their plans.

TERRORISM SALON: Yosri Fouda on the Pivotal Role of the Mohammed Atta’s



(Yosri Fouda is the Chief Investigative Correspondent and Former London Bureau Chief for Al-Jazeera). Though I would largely agree with Peter as to the importance of bin Laden’s figure, I would not say that without him “9/11 would have been one of many harebrained schemes in the head of KSM.

Eisenhower: Republican Party is Running Out of Ideas



Life long Republican and granddaughter of Ike, Susan Eisenhower, said today on an Obama campaign conference call featuring campaign manager David Plouffe and herself that while she truly regrets it, the direction John McCain has been pressured to go is showing that “the Republican Party is running out of ideas.

Conservative Credit Card King Says Iraq War Wrecking American Economy



Richard Vague is a conservative businessman disgusted with the party he has belonged to for a very long time. He was the Founding CEO of the former First USA Bank which ran at the time the largest credit card operation in the United States. He later started a group called AmericanRespect.