Congratulations to Patrick Cockburn, Winner of the 2009 Orwell Prize



(Photo Credit: Clfhcks’ PhotoStream) Congratulations to Patrick Cockburn, whose award-winning articles for the London Review of Books and The Independent provide an excellent primer on the political situation in Baghdad. Cockburn manages to explain the trajectory of events in Iraq without getting lost in the weeds of the complex and fluid situation there.

Guest Post by Jonathan Guyer: Green Collar Jobs Branch Out



Jonathan Guyer is a Program Associate at the New America Foundation/Middle East Task Force. Although some pundits see the green collar revolution as too good to be true, there are plenty of concrete ways to plant the seeds of a green economy… and Obama isn’t doing that shabby so far.

Guest Post by Patrick Doherty: General McCaffrey Lays It Out – End the Cuba Embargo



Patrick Doherty directs the New America Foundation/U.S.-Cuba 21st Century Policy Initiative. Speaking before the US House of Representatives’ Comittee on Oversight and Government Reform’s Subcommittee on National Security and Foreign Affairs, General Barry McCaffrey, former commander, US Southern Command, called on the US to do three things: 1.

LIVE STREAM TODAY: US-Saudi Relations in a World Without Equilibrium



Note: Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs William J. Burns will deliver remarks at approximately 12:45 pm. His remarks will be on the record. I will then moderate an off the record Q&A session with Secretary Burns, during which time this LIVE STREAM will cut out.

Nixon Goes to Europe


Roger Morris has an entertaining post about President Nixon’s Inaugural trip to Europe.over at the New York Times‘ 100 Days blog. Plenty of fun historical nuggets for those who like that sort of thing.