Bill Clinton Said It All

This is a guest note by John McAuliff. McAuliff is Executive Director of the Fund for Reconciliation and Development and a regular blogger at The Havana Note, where this post originally appeared.
This is a guest note by John McAuliff. McAuliff is Executive Director of the Fund for Reconciliation and Development and a regular blogger at The Havana Note, where this post originally appeared.
(Photo Credit: Robert Scoble’s Photostream) New America Foundation/Economic Growth Program Policy Analyst Samuel Sherraden has written a compelling, concise analysis of the decline in China’s trade surplus during the first quarter of this year.
Jonathan Guyer is a program associate at the New America Foundation/Middle East Task Force and the official cartoonist of The Washington Note. He blogs at Mideast by Midwest.
(Photo Credit: Khawaja’s Photostream) Following the 47-nation nuclear security summit in Washington the week before last, the Obama administration is playing host to a much different series of meetings this week as part of its Presidential Summit on Entrepreneurship – an effort to deepen ties among business leaders, foundations, and social entrepreneurs in the United…
(photo credit: V-Man on Flickr) Failed Suicide Attack against UK Ambassador in Yemen. I just received a press statement from the Washington, DC Embassy Spokesman of the Republic of Yemen (note that it contains disturbing, graphic photo image — here is pdf). The statement starts: Earlier this morning the British Ambassador to Yemen, H.E. Mr….
Just arrived in Maui after a long trip back from Brasilia through Sao Paulo, Washington Dulles, and Los Angeles. My reward was this magnificent sunset while walking along the main drag in Lahaina. Will be blogging a bit later on global finance, global governance, and the latest in US-Japan relations.
The other day I wrote a piece about Senator Schumer‘s bashing of Rahm Emanuel, Jim Jones and President Obama for their US-Israel policy that questioned whether the Senator realized just how, well, over the line he had gone.
This is an interesting story — not one of Israel being attacked. I pretty frequently see meteors streak across the night sky and have always been interested in what they look like when they hit. The one above hit a beach in Bat Yam.
This is a guest note by Harlan Ullman that reviews President Barack Obama’s nuclear summitry. This piece originally ran on UPI. Harlan Ullman is Senior Advisor at the Atlantic Council and Chairman of the Killowen Group that advises leaders of government and industry.