What a Jobs, Jobs, Jobs Strategy Should Look Like



This is a guest note by Ralph Gomory, one of the nation’s leading thinkers about technology, innovation, and the productivity health of national economies. Gomory previously served as IBM’s Senior Vice President for Science and Technology and subsequently as the immediate past president of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

What Does Obama Want?



Neocon chronicler Jacob Heilbrunn, who like many realist foreign policy mavens supported President Obama’s candidacy, is unsure of what President Obama actually wants to achieve at this point. What are his priorities? What is he really gambling assets to achieve? Read the entire piece (which admittedly does quote a line of mine).

Geithner: Wall Street Wouldn’t Like Elizabeth Warren



A DC insider close enough to Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner shared with me a vignette in which someone suggested to him that he find a way to diversify the “image” of his relationships with the economy community and broaden it to include people like Elizabeth Warren.

The “No False Choice in Middle East” Awards



Former Senator Chuck Hagel‘s strong statement made in a Brookings speech some years ago that the United States could not afford a false choice between our strong relationship with Israel on one side and Arab and Palestinian interests on the other continues to be the sensible frame through which I look at the region and…

Can We Win Hearts and Minds While Night Raids Continue?



In case you haven’t seen it yet, Anand Gopal, who has reported from Afghanistan for the Wall Street Journal and the Christian Science Monitor, has just written a disturbing and important piece for Tom Dispatch on night raids and “black” prison sites in Afghanistan. The piece also appears on The Nation‘s site.

Leo Hindery: The Sort of SOTU I Wish President Obama Would Give



This is a guest note by Leo Hindery. Hindery’s take first appeared at The Huffington Post, above the fold, top of the column Leo Hindery, Jr. chairs the US Economy/Smart Globalization Initiative at the New America Foundation. He is the former chief executive of AT&T Broadband and other major media and telecom companies.