<em>Times of London</em> on Obama’s Europe Void



The Times of London has picked up on the issue that Senator Obama has not convened a policy related hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Subcommittee on Europe and added to this something I reported yesterday — which was that Europe does not figure into Obama’s travel profile.

Obama Mentions Hagel as Potential Cabinet Choice



Barack Obama has often said that he would like to have Republicans serve in his Cabinet if elected President. I think that this is a very smart move — as the only way to get back to results-producing government is to win over enough dissident Republicans to generate a new, workable political equilibrium.

Hillary’s Legislative Czar Leaving Senate Office But Nobody Really Leaves Hillaryland



Laurie Rubiner, Legislative Director on Hillary Clinton‘s Senate Staff, is departing her position by the end of the year — i.e., in two weeks. Rubiner has been one of the reasons why Hillary Clinton’s Senate legislative profile has been praised by so many.

Castro’s Surprise: How Will the Presidential Candidates Respond?



Fidel Castro has just given the world the opportunity to ponder a new direction for Cuba. Castro has issued a statement that is vague but nonetheless signals that he sees himself departing the political front line and making room for a new set of leaders.

Obama vs. Clinton on Putting Legislative Machinery to Work



Senators Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are the clear frontrunners in the Democratic primary race, and the comparisons between them are going to be tough-edged over the next couple of weeks. I have been very critical of both, and applauded both.

Former CIA Bin Laden Hunter Says A Neglectful Congress & Executive Should Be TIME’s Persons of the Year



In response to my note that “The Guantanamo Detainee” be named TIME‘s person of the year because of the legal and political convulsions and hemorrhaging that will be caused for years ahead by institutionalized extralegalism there, Michael Scheuer sent me a thoughtful note of his own on the subject that needs to be read.