Fanatics at Home


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I may be a bit late to this story of the Brooklyn-based Jewish Ultra-Orthodox newspaper, Der Tzitung, photo-shopping Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Obama Counter-Terrorism Adviser Audrey Tomason out of the White House photo of the President’s national security team watching the zap bin Laden operation, but geez — this is pretty bad.
I have met Rabbis from this community and their wives — and have had good conversations with both — about Israel, Judaism, and why shaking hands with women is a no-no. But I never knew that that community — or some parts of it — would engage in this kind of fanatical nonsense.
See the photo above and then the one below.
I feel very badly for women everywhere who have to deal with this sort of crap. Hopefully, there is a ‘reform movement’ going on even amidst the ultra-orthodox because this should never be allowed to go unchallenged in the United States. This is not freedom of religion but is blatant discrimination.
— Steve Clemons


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