Does R.M. Williams Make Flippers?


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She may not need them as Australian swimmer Stephanie Rice pulled off the gold for the 400 meter IM swimming Olympic championships.
As part of the Australian American Leadership Dialogue earlier this year, I had the opportunity to hang out with Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd at the Willard Hotel. He’s very cool. I asked him what he talked about with President Bush earlier in the day.
He said a few things — but what was most memorable is that Rudd told me that Bush coveted Kevin Rudd’s boots — which were R.M. Williams boots.
Other Australians on hand told me that they were tough to adjust to — but Kevin’s were custom made. Next trip to Australia, I hope to get some — size 14 U.S. size.
But it was a memorable moment. Rudd also talked climate change, China, and Iraq with Bush — but the R.M. Williams boots took top billing.
Stephanie Rice won an impressive race, and a far away American thinks R.M. Williams should give her some flippers and an endorsement contract.
— Steve Clemons


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