Checking in from China


steve clemons and mongolian singers performers 2.jpg
This is just a brief note checking in from China. I am currently in Beijing and heading to Wuxi City today.
The above picture was taken with some fantastic Mongolian Chinese singers and performers at a restaurant I loved.
As somewhat of an Asia hand, I am surprised at how much I have learned on this trip to China and how much I need to readjust some of my views of what China is doing to redirect its economy, environmental footprint, and strategic goals. More on that later. Need some more time to sort out what I have been absorbing.
But I must add that every Chinese leader I have met and with whom I have discussed economic issues knows that their job is to get folks employed and to create jobs. It’s an overwhelming focus of the government right now — and sadly, one just does not get that sense from American policymakers about American workers.
Increasingly, I am hearing rumblings that America is headed for a “GDP recovery” that is essentially jobless.
— Steve Clemons


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