Californians, Please Vote NO on 8


It’s time for tolerance to break out in this country.
I was the first blogger to put the disgusting Republican National Committee mailers from the 2004 race on line which suggested that Democrats would ban the Bible and turn their states into havens of homosexuality. These flyers were sent to church parish rosters in Arkansas, Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky and other key battleground states in that Bush-Kerry race.
That flyer was not about homosexuality breaking out everywhere or that Dems would not support the Christian religion. It was about generating fear of change — and designed to promote bigotry and discrimination.
The notion that America should embrace versions of marriage that help perpetuate discrimination needs to be abandoned. This battle over Proposition 8 in California is not about marriage. It is a crusade funded mostly by a group of Mormons obsessed with maintaining laws that are discriminatory against homosexuals.
No on 8. . .Please lead America in a healthier direction.
— Steve Clemons


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